I never really understood the concept of observation.Let me rephrase: I can understand the concept , but it does not seem to fulfill me. They say that technique will set you free,meaning that it will help you illustrate exact feelings.But since when feelings are definite? We "imprisoned" feelings in definitions and words.Happiness,sadness,anger.The truth is that the way we see things,our feelings, cannot be fully expressed even if you hold the biggest dictionary on earth. Any object might mean various things to various people. In art, one tries to offer other people his/her own feelings and perspective,broaden horizons that are further away from reality.
In addition, observation seems infinite and because of that, it seems hopeless. An artwork will never be finished, it will never be reality. Why trying to catch something that will always fly away,and it is not the point that we try to get across?
We have means to improve the image, we lack the message. And the message is the point that we need to get across. |