Childhood memory.Keep the hallway light on,please.
When we are young, we can see the monsters in the outside.A dark room can be full of creatures of our imagination. At some point, the creatures become one with us, and we cannot see them anymore.
I wanted to focus on that time,when good and bad had antithetic meanings. I want to focus on that light that comes from the hallway and fills me with serenity at night.It was so easy to calm down when we were chlidren. A hand, a light, a hug and the monsters vanished to an other world. We have now become one with our insecurities,problems and aftermath of our actions. The dark world is somewhere inside us,and until we reach it and understand it, it will always haunt us just like the ghosts in the dark,back in the day.
Scratches on the walls and door. Are those scratches made by the monsters,
or us, when we try to reach the calming light? |