Τετάρτη 31 Οκτωβρίου 2012


The journey of an artist.The need to rise where he/she belongs,only to find other kinds of limits and repetitive patterns. 


The feeling of being trapped in a situation.If you illustrate it,you may find your way out.

Τρίτη 30 Οκτωβρίου 2012


Theme of motherhood.Our first chance to love and socialisation is still human.

Childhood door

Childhood memory.Keep the hallway light on,please.
When we are young, we can see the monsters in the outside.A dark room can be full of creatures of our imagination. At some point, the creatures become one with us, and we cannot see them anymore.
I wanted to focus on that time,when good and bad had antithetic meanings. I want to focus on that light that comes from the hallway and fills me with serenity at night.It was so easy to calm down when we were chlidren. A hand, a light, a hug and the monsters vanished to an other world. We have now become one with our insecurities,problems and aftermath of our actions. The dark world is somewhere inside us,and until we reach it and understand it, it will always haunt us just like the ghosts in the dark,back in the day.
Scratches on the walls and door. Are those scratches made by the monsters,
or us, when we try to reach the calming light?


Illustration of "Still life with Woodpecker" by Tom Robbins.
The Woodpecker, a symbol of nature, of freedom because of its wings, presents itself in this book as an outlaw. A rotten in the outside outlaw,fully flourished in the inside,creature. Why can't we use our intelligence to evolve,why the gifted ones often enough stay outside,in the dark? 

Body and Skull

The Relationship between body and mind through the concept of mortality.Inspired by Vanitas (= art movement that begun in the Netherlands between the 16th and 17th century.A human skull is placed in random still life objects.It represents decay,mortality combined with stillness. Stillness is our illusion, decay is our reality). I am interested in the theme of mortality not because it is dark,but because it always reminds me of how blessed I am for being born. When I focus on this theme, it reminds me of how hard I should work for my life to become meaningful,to be thankful that I am in good health.It reminds me of the beloved people that I lost in my life,and that with this gift also comes an end. The only thing that is certain is that we die.You can see it as a curse,or as a damned motive to add value to your life.And that is your only choice that makes a difference.
Our perception of life is that it is still,certain, the world turns around us.We are programmed to feel this way,in order to function and not become depressed by the disappointing ending. We cannot hang on to this end and embrace it when we are still young and beautiful.

A room, close quarters and closed eyes.
Death, the big pink elephant in the room of life.


Never throw away anything.Collage formed by pieces of paper-remains on my desk. A child's happiness cannot be found in the environment that surrounds it. It is within the child and presents itself even in the most ugly sights. 
A child is a tabula rasa, a blank canvas,neither good nor bad. We use everything that we experience to raise our younglings. I dream of a society that uses its bad experience constructively,not destructively, and passes on lessons,not traumas. 
We evolve so beautifully in technology but we decay within.